Hello friend!
Thanks for tuning into the next addition for Trail and Table, a monthly newsletter from Be Wild Eats. I’ve been busy cooking and adventuring outdoors this month… I hope you have too!
Earlier this month, I returned home to Seattle to prepare the food for a longtime friend’s baby shower. She gave me complete freedom to design a menu. I chose dishes that can be prepared anywhere/ ahead of time that highlighted the Northwest seafood with an Asian flavor influence… exactly like the food on this blog!

I went to some old favorites like Oregon’s Best Dungeness Crab Bisque, but I also experimented with some new creations like a Smoked Geoduck-Bacon Dip with Furikake Toast. This features a geoduck (basically a really big clam) from Tiny Fish Co. and an easy-to-make-toast with a Japanese seaweed sesame sprinkle deliciousness.

My personal favorite from my menu was the Waygu Steak Bites. These were inspired by a last-minute snowshoe trip where I quickly needed to pull together a lunch. I grabbed some steak from dinner the night before, leftover goat cheese, habanero-huckleberry jelly from the pantry, and salt and vinegar chips from the local convenience store on the way to the mountain. I can not tell you how surprising this dish was. The flavors seem a little odd, but together they work perfectly. Let me know if you want the recipe!
Best Things to Cook In February 2023
If you haven’t subscribed to the Trail and Table newsletter yet, make it happen today! Next month, I’ll share my experiences at the Tastemaker 2023 Conference in Chicago. I can’t wait for all the fun things I’ll learn and all the other food professionals I’ll meet. Can I also work in an outdoor adventure while in the Midwest? Stay tuned…